Conquer Compliance with RegTech

Table of Contents

“RegTech is not merely a tool; it’s a revolution that redefines compliance as a strategic pillar of success.” 

– Daniel Weber, Chief Compliance Officer at RegX Technologies.

What is the true cost of non-compliance for financial institutions? Beyond the staggering fines, non-compliance can lead to loss of trust, reputational damage, and operational setbacks. As regulatory demands grow, traditional compliance methods struggle to keep up, leaving institutions vulnerable.

RegTech is indeed a game-changer for regulatory compliance since it combines both regulations and technology. By employing technology to automate processes and enhance risk management, RegTech empowers financial institutions to turn compliance challenges into opportunities for innovation and growth.

The article explains what RegTech is and its applications, its importance, and how it affects compliance today.

RegTech and its Components: what are they?

Financial regulation technology (RegTech) optimizes, automates, and enhances regulatory compliance processes. It includes a variety of technologies and solutions aimed at helping institutions manage regulatory requirements more efficiently and accurately. 

The primary components of RegTech include:

Data Analytics: 

RegTech platforms utilize data analytics to sift through vast datasets, uncovering hidden patterns and insights that are crucial for compliance. By processing transactional data in real time, financial institutions can quickly identify suspicious activities, ensuring swift compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.


Automation is a cornerstone of RegTech, enabling financial institutions to manage repetitive compliance tasks. By automating processes like data collection, analysis, and reporting, institutions can reduce operational costs and improve overall efficiency.

Machine Learning: 

By integrating machine learning algorithms, RegTech solutions adapt and evolve with changing regulations. These algorithms continuously learn from historical data and new regulatory updates, enhancing their ability to identify potential compliance risks.


Blockchain technology provides an immutable and transparent ledger for recording transactions and compliance activities. Its decentralized nature ensures data integrity, making it an ideal solution for regulatory reporting and audit trail maintenance.

Cloud Computing: 

Cloud-based RegTech solutions offer scalability and flexibility, allowing financial institutions to manage compliance across multiple jurisdictions efficiently. Cloud platforms provide secure data storage and access, enabling institutions to stay compliant with data protection regulations.

RegTech: A Brief History

The evolution of RegTech traces back to the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis when the need for improved regulatory oversight became evident. As regulatory frameworks expanded, financial institutions faced mounting pressure to comply with complex regulations. 

This paved the way for the integration of technology into compliance processes, giving birth to RegTech.

Historical Milestones:

  • 2008-2010: The rise of regulatory frameworks like Dodd-Frank and Basel III, emphasizing the need for technology-driven compliance.
  • 2012-2015: Early RegTech solutions emerged, focusing on data analytics and automation to streamline compliance.
  • 2016-Present: Expansion of RegTech applications, including AI, blockchain, and machine learning, offering comprehensive solutions for compliance challenges.

Regtech Importance

The importance of RegTech for financial institutions cannot be overstated. According to a report by Financemagnats, The global regtech market is expected to reach $55.28 billion by 2025. 

Financial institutions benefit from the regtech in the following ways:

  1. Reduces compliance costs
  2. Improves accuracy and efficiency
  3. Enhances risk management
  4. Provides real-time insights
  5. Adapts quickly to regulatory changes

How Does RegTech Work?

RegTech solutions work by integrating technology into the compliance processes of financial institutions. Here's a look at how these solutions function:

How Does RegTech Work

Key Areas of RegTech

Various RegTech categories can be divided into various segments, each addressing specific compliance needs. Here's an overview:

  1. Compliance Management: Tools for tracking and managing regulatory compliance.
  2. Regulatory Reporting: Solutions for automating regulatory reporting processes.
  3. Risk Management: Systems for assessing and mitigating compliance risks.
  4. Identity Verification: Technologies for verifying customer identities.
  5. Data Privacy: Solutions for ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  6. Fraud Prevention: Tools for detecting and preventing financial fraud.

Key Types of Regtech:

RegTech, or Regulatory Technology, refers to the use of technology to help organizations comply with regulatory requirements more efficiently and effectively. It plays a crucial role in modern financial services by leveraging advanced technologies to address compliance challenges. 

Here are the main types of RegTech, along with their applications and benefits:

Compliance Management

Compliance management solutions help financial institutions and other regulated entities automate the process of tracking, managing, and reporting compliance with various regulatory standards.


  •   Automating compliance workflows.
  •   Monitoring regulatory changes in real-time.
  •   Facilitating communication between compliance teams and regulatory bodies.


  • Reduces the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  • Improves efficiency by reducing manual compliance tasks.
  • Enhances transparency and accountability in compliance processes.

Regulatory Reporting

Regulatory reporting solutions simplify the collection, analysis, and submission of data required by regulatory bodies. These tools ensure accurate and timely reporting.


  • Automating data collection from various sources.
  • Generating reports in the required formats for different regulators.
  • Ensuring data accuracy and integrity in reports.



  • Saves time and reduces human error in data reporting.
  • Helps meet strict reporting deadlines with ease.
  • Provides real-time insights into compliance status.

Identity Management and KYC (Know Your Customer)

Identity management and KYC solutions focus on verifying customer identities and ensuring that institutions comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.


  • Onboarding new clients with automated identity verification.
  • Continuous monitoring of customer transactions for suspicious activity.
  • Managing customer data securely and efficiently.


  • Reduces the risk of fraud and financial crime.
  • Enhances customer experience by speeding up the onboarding process.
  • Improves compliance with AML and KYC regulations.

Transaction Monitoring

Transaction monitoring solutions analyze financial transactions in real time to detect suspicious or fraudulent activity, ensuring compliance with AML and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) regulations.


  • Monitoring large volumes of transactions for unusual patterns.
  • Identifying potential money laundering activities.
  • Generating alerts for suspicious transactions for further investigation.



  • Protects institutions from financial crime.
  • Supports compliance with AML and CTF regulations.
  • Reduces false positives through advanced analytics and machine learning.

Risk Management

The RegTech Risk management solutions help organizations assess and mitigate various types of risks, including operational, financial, and compliance risks.


  • Identifying potential risks in business processes.
  • Analyzing the impact of risks on operations and finances.
  • Implementing controls and measures to mitigate identified risks.



  • Enhances decision-making through risk insights.
  • Reduces potential losses from unforeseen risks.
  • Supports a proactive approach to risk management.

Regulatory Change Management

Regulatory change management solutions help organizations keep track of changes in regulations and adapt their processes accordingly.


  • Monitoring regulatory updates across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Assessing the impact of regulatory changes on business operations.
  • Implementing necessary changes to maintain compliance.



  • Ensures continuous compliance with evolving regulations.
  • Minimizes the cost and effort of adapting to regulatory changes.
  • Provides a centralized view of regulatory requirements.

Cybersecurity and Data Protection

Cybersecurity solutions in RegTech focus on protecting sensitive data and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. 


  • Implementing robust data encryption and access controls.
  • Monitoring networks for cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Ensuring compliance with data privacy laws and regulations.



  • Protects sensitive information from cyber threats.
  • Ensures compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Builds trust with customers through enhanced data security.

Audit Trail and Record Keeping

Audit trail and record-keeping solutions ensure that organizations maintain accurate and complete records of all transactions and compliance activities.


  • Automating the creation and storage of audit trails.
  • Ensuring data integrity and immutability in records.
  • Facilitating audits by providing easy access to historical data.



  •  Simplifies compliance audits and investigations.
  •  Reduces the risk of non-compliance due to incomplete records.
  •  Provides transparency and accountability in operations.

Regulatory Intelligence

Regulatory intelligence solutions provide organizations with insights and analysis on regulatory trends, helping them stay ahead of compliance challenges.


  • Analyzing regulatory trends and predicting future changes.
  • Providing insights into regulatory risks and opportunities.
  • Assisting in strategic planning and decision-making.


  • Helps organizations anticipate regulatory changes and prepare proactively.
  • Provides a competitive advantage through informed decision-making.
  • Supports long-term strategic planning with regulatory insights.

Document Management and Reporting Automation

Document management solutions in RegTech focus on automating the creation, management, and submission of regulatory documents.


  • Improving document workflows and approvals.
  • Ensuring documents meet regulatory standards and formats.
  • Automating the submission of documents to regulatory bodies.



  • Reduces the time and effort required for document management.
  • Ensures compliance with document-related regulations.
  • Enhances collaboration and communication within compliance teams.

Behavioral Analytics

Behavioral analytics solutions use advanced algorithms to analyze employee and customer behavior to detect potential compliance issues and fraudulent activities.


  • Monitoring employee activities for signs of misconduct.
  • Analyzing customer behavior for unusual patterns.
  • Identifying potential compliance risks through behavioral insights.



  • Enhances fraud detection and prevention capabilities.
  • Supports a proactive approach to compliance monitoring.
  • Reduces false positives through precise behavioral analysis.

Regulatory Sandboxes

A regulatory sandbox is an environment in which fintech companies can test innovative products and services without the risk of regulatory penalties.


  • Testing new financial products and technologies.
  • Assessing the impact of innovations on compliance.
  • Collaborating with regulators to ensure safe market entry.



  • Encourages innovation in financial services.
  • Reduces the risk of non-compliance for new products.
  • Supports collaboration between fintechs and regulators.

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)

Blockchain and DLT solutions in RegTech offer secure and transparent ways to manage regulatory compliance and data integrity.


  • Ensuring transparency and immutability in record-keeping.
  • Facilitating secure data sharing across organizations.
  • Automating compliance processes through smart contracts.


  • Enhances data integrity and security.
  • Reduces the risk of fraud and tampering.
  • Improves compliance through automation and transparency.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML solutions leverage advanced algorithms to analyze data, detect anomalies, and automate compliance processes.


  • Automating data analysis for compliance monitoring.
  • Identifying patterns and trends in large datasets.
  • Enhancing decision-making with predictive analytics.


  • Improves efficiency and accuracy in compliance tasks.
  • Reduces manual effort through automation.
  • Provides deeper insights into compliance risks and opportunities.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Compliance

ESG compliance solutions focus on ensuring that organizations stick to environmental, social, and governance standards and regulations.


  • Monitoring ESG metrics and performance.
  • Reporting on ESG compliance to stakeholders.
  • Implementing sustainability initiatives and practices.


  • Enhances corporate reputation and trust.
  • Supports compliance with ESG regulations and standards.
  • Aligns business practices with sustainable goals.


The REGTECH100 is an annual list that recognizes the most innovative companies in the RegTech space. These companies are selected based on their contributions to regulatory compliance and their potential to impact the industry positively.

Examples of REGTECH100 Companies:

  • ComplyAdvantage: Specializes in AML compliance and transaction monitoring.
  • Trunomi: Focuses on data privacy and consent management.
  • Ascent RegTech: Provides regulatory change management solutions.

Client Identification

Client identification solutions ensure that institutions comply with regulations related to customer identity verification and onboarding.


  • Identity Verification: Verifying customer identities through digital tools.
  • Data Management: Managing client data securely and efficiently.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with identity-related regulations.


  • Enhances customer experience with efficient onboarding.
  • Reduces fraud risk through accurate identification.
  • Supports compliance with KYC and AML regulations.


RegTech training solutions provide education and resources to ensure that employees understand compliance requirements and best practices.


  • Compliance Training: Educating staff on regulatory requirements.
  • Skill Development: Enhancing employees' compliance skills and knowledge.
  • Continuous Learning: Offering ongoing training to keep up with regulatory changes.


  • Improves compliance awareness and understanding.
  • Reduces the risk of non-compliance due to human error.
  • Supports a culture of compliance within the organization.


Sift is a RegTech solution that focuses on enhancing trust and safety in online transactions by detecting and preventing fraud.


  • Fraud Detection: Identifying fraudulent activities in real-time.
  • Risk Assessment: Analyzing transaction data for potential risks.
  • Customer Trust: Building trust with customers through secure transactions.


  • Reduces fraud risk and financial losses.
  • Enhances customer trust and satisfaction.
  • Supports compliance with fraud prevention regulations.

Information Privacy

Information privacy solutions focus on ensuring that organizations comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.


  • Data Encryption: Protecting sensitive data with encryption.
  • Access Controls: Implementing access controls to safeguard information.
  • Privacy Compliance: Ensuring compliance with data privacy laws.


  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  • Ensures compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Builds trust with customers through enhanced data privacy.

The term "RegTech" refers to a plethora of technologies and solutions that address the complex compliance challenges facing businesses today. By leveraging these technologies, organizations can improve their compliance processes, reduce risks, and stay ahead of regulatory changes. 

From compliance management to AI-driven analytics, RegTech offers a comprehensive toolkit for enhancing regulatory efficiency and effectiveness. As regulations continue to evolve, RegTech will play an increasingly vital role in helping organizations deal with the regulatory landscape with confidence.

RegTech Applications

RegTech Applications span across various areas of the financial industry, providing solutions adapted to specific compliance challenges. From fraud detection and anti-money laundering (AML) to customer onboarding and data privacy, RegTech applications are designed to simplify processes, reduce risks, and ensure regulatory compliance.

RegTech Key Applications:

Fraud Detection: Uses advanced analytics and AI to detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

KYC and Identity Verification: Automates the process of verifying customer identities, ensuring compliance with KYC regulations.

Data Privacy Management: Ensures compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR, safeguarding customer information.

Regulatory Change Management: Tracks changes in regulations and ensures that compliance processes are updated accordingly.


  • Enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of compliance efforts.
  • Reduces operational costs by automating manual processes.
  • Provides a scalable solution that can adapt to changing regulatory environments.

RegTech and FinTech: How RegTech Supports FinTech

RegTech plays a vital role in supporting FinTech companies by providing the tools and technologies needed to comply with regulatory requirements. Here's how RegTech complements FinTech:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures FinTech startups adhere to regulatory standards.
  • Risk Management: Helps FinTechs assess and manage compliance risks.
  • Innovation Enablement: Encourages innovation by providing a secure regulatory environment.
  • Customer Trust: Enhances customer trust through secure and compliant services.

Regtech Compliance 

RegTech Compliance refers to the use of Regulatory Technology (RegTech) to enhance the compliance capabilities of financial institutions. It involves utilizing advanced technologies to automate and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of regulatory compliance processes. 

Further, the RegTech compliance solutions are designed to help financial institutions handle the increasingly complex system of regulations, both reducing the burden and minimizing the risk of non-compliance. 

RegTech compliance solutions help financial institutions:

  1. Stay up-to-date with regulatory changes
  2. Automate compliance processes
  3. Real Time monitoring and reporting
  4. Reduce human error
  5. Assessment and management 
  6. Improve data quality and accuracy
  7. Enhance overall compliance effectiveness

Benefits of Regtech 

While RegTech is widely recognized for optimizing compliance processes and reducing operational costs, it also offers several other unique benefits that extend beyond traditional regtech benefits:

Enhanced Decision-Making Capabilities

RegTech solutions provide financial institutions with real-time insights and predictive analytics that support better decision-making. By mining vast amounts of data, these tools can identify emerging risks and opportunities, enabling institutions to make informed, strategic decisions that align with regulatory expectations.

Why It Matters:  

  • Allows institutions to anticipate regulatory changes and market trends.
  • Supports proactive risk management and strategy development.
  • Enhances the ability to respond quickly to regulatory demands.

Fostering a Culture of Compliance

RegTech tools help embed compliance into the daily operations of financial institutions, creating a culture where compliance is viewed as a fundamental aspect of the business rather than a burden. By automating compliance tasks and providing continuous monitoring, these solutions make it easier for all employees to adhere to regulatory requirements.

Why It Matters:  

  • Promotes a strong compliance culture throughout the organization.
  • Reduces the risk of non-compliance due to human error or oversight.
  • Encourages employee engagement in compliance-related activities.

Improved Customer Experience

RegTech doesn't just benefit financial institutions—it also enhances the customer experience. By streamlining processes such as KYC and onboarding, RegTech solutions reduce the time and effort required to bring new customers on board. This leads to faster, smoother interactions and helps build trust with clients.

Why It Matters:  

  • Reduces onboarding time and improves customer satisfaction.
  • Builds trust by ensuring customer data is handled securely and efficiently.
  • Enhances the overall customer journey by minimizing friction in compliance-related processes.

Scalability and Flexibility

RegTech solutions are often cloud-based, offering financial institutions scalability and flexibility that traditional compliance methods cannot match. This allows institutions to easily scale their operations and compliance efforts as they grow, without the need for significant additional resources.

Why It Matters:  

  • Facilitates expansion into new markets and regions with varying regulatory requirements.
  • Provides the ability to quickly adapt to changes in business scale or regulatory scope.
  • Ensures that compliance frameworks can grow alongside the business, maintaining effectiveness at all stages.

Strengthened Relationships with Regulators

By using RegTech solutions, financial institutions can demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high standards of compliance. This proactive approach can strengthen relationships with regulators, leading to a more collaborative and less adversarial regulatory environment.

Why It Matters:  

  • Builds trust and transparency with regulators.
  • May lead to more favorable regulatory outcomes or reduced scrutiny.
  • Enhances the institution's reputation as a compliant and responsible entity.

Integration Across the Financial Ecosystem

RegTech solutions are increasingly designed to integrate smoothly with other FinTech and InsurTech tools, creating a cohesive ecosystem that enhances overall operational efficiency. This integration allows for more efficient data sharing, better risk management, and a unified approach to regulatory compliance.

Why It Matters:  

  • Enables a holistic view of compliance across all business functions.
  • Reduces silos and enhances collaboration within the institution.
  • Supports a more comprehensive risk management strategy.

Facilitating Innovation

By taking on the heavy lifting of compliance, RegTech frees up resources and time that can be redirected toward innovation. Financial institutions can focus on developing new products and services, confident that their compliance needs are being managed effectively.

Why It Matters:  

  • Encourages innovation by reducing the compliance burden.
  • Supports the development of new financial products that meet regulatory standards.
  • Enhances competitiveness by allowing institutions to innovate more quickly and confidently.

These benefits highlight the broader impact of RegTech on financial institutions, extending beyond mere compliance to influence decision-making, customer relations, and overall business strategy. 

AI in RegTech

AI in RegTech plays a transformative role by automating complex compliance processes, improving risk assessment, and enhancing decision-making capabilities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables RegTech solutions to learn from historical data, adapt to changing regulations, and provide real-time insights.

Key Applications:

Pattern Recognition: AI detects unusual patterns in transactions, helping to identify fraud and money laundering activities.

Predictive Compliance: AI models predict potential compliance breaches, allowing institutions to address issues before they escalate.

Automated Reporting: AI-driven tools optimize the creation and submission of regulatory reports, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.


  • Increases the accuracy and speed of compliance processes.
  • Reduces human error by automating routine tasks.
  • Provides deeper insights into compliance risks and trends.

Emerging Trends in Regtech

As the RegTech industry continues to mature, several key trends are emerging that will define its future trajectory. These trends not only reflect the growing complexity of RegTech solutions but also highlight the expanding role of technology in ensuring regulatory compliance across industries.

Emerging Trends in Regtech 2025

Proliferation of RegTech Startups

The RegTech sector is witnessing a surge in startups offering innovative solutions tailored to specific regulatory needs. These startups are often agile, bringing new ideas and technologies to market more quickly than established players.


  • Increased competition drives innovation in the RegTech space.
  • Financial institutions have more options to choose from, enabling them to find solutions that best fit their unique compliance needs.
  • Greater specialization, with startups focusing on niche areas of compliance.

Adoption of Regulatory Technology by Non-Financial Sectors

While RegTech originated in the financial sector, its applications are expanding to other industries, such as healthcare, telecommunications, and energy, where regulatory compliance is also critical.


  • Broader adoption of RegTech tools across various industries.
  • Development of industry-specific RegTech solutions, increasing demand for versatile compliance tools.
  • Opportunities for RegTech providers to diversify and enter new markets.

Increased Focus on Global Regulatory Harmonization

As financial institutions operate across multiple jurisdictions, there is a growing demand for RegTech solutions that support compliance with a harmonized set of global regulations. Efforts toward global regulatory alignment are gaining strength, driven by international bodies and collaboration among regulators.


  • Development of RegTech solutions that cater to global regulatory requirements, reducing the complexity of cross-border compliance.
  • Enhanced cooperation between regulators and financial institutions at an international level.
  • Potential for reduced regulatory arbitrage and more consistent enforcement of regulations globally.

Use of RegTech in Anti-Corruption and Ethics Compliance

Beyond traditional financial compliance, RegTech is increasingly being used to monitor and enforce anti-corruption policies and ethical standards within organizations.


  • Development of tools that monitor for unethical behavior, conflicts of interest, and other forms of corruption.
  • Increased ability for organizations to demonstrate compliance with anti-corruption laws.
  • Enhanced corporate governance and culture through real-time monitoring and enforcement of ethical standards.

Regulatory Data Standardization Initiatives

As data becomes central to regulatory compliance, there is a push towards standardizing the data formats and reporting requirements across different jurisdictions. This standardization will make it easier for RegTech solutions to be implemented universally.


  • Simplified integration of RegTech solutions across different regulatory environments.
  • Reduced costs and complexity associated with multi-jurisdictional compliance.
  • Better data interoperability, leading to more accurate and comprehensive compliance reporting.

Rise of Hybrid Cloud Solutions for Compliance

As financial institutions seek to balance the need for security and flexibility, hybrid cloud solutions are becoming a popular choice for deploying RegTech applications. These solutions combine the benefits of private and public clouds, providing secure, scalable, and cost-effective compliance infrastructure.


  • Enhanced security for sensitive compliance data while maintaining scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Greater flexibility in managing compliance processes across different cloud environments.
  • Improved disaster recovery and business continuity planning through hybrid cloud architecture.

Building Regtech Solutions 

Developing effective RegTech solutions requires a strategic approach that aligns with regulatory requirements and organizational needs. 

Here's how to build successful RegTech solutions:

  1. Identify Compliance Needs: Assess regulatory requirements and compliance challenges.
  2. Select the Right Technology: Choose technology that aligns with compliance goals.
  3. Design User-Friendly Solutions: Develop solutions that are intuitive and easy to use.
  4. Ensure Scalability: Build scalable solutions to accommodate growth.
  5. Focus on Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data.
  6. Collaborate with Regulators: Work closely with regulators to ensure compliance.


RegTech is improving financial institutions' approach to compliance by integrating advanced technologies like AI, blockchain, and machine learning. This innovation optimizes processes, reduces risks, and turns compliance into a strategic advantage. 

As regulations become more complex, RegTech ensures that institutions can quickly adapt, offering enhanced accuracy and efficiency. Embracing RegTech is no longer optional; it’s essential for staying competitive in today's regulatory framework, providing a path toward sustainable success.


Is RegTech FinTech?

RegTech is a subset of FinTech that focuses specifically on regulatory compliance within the financial industry. While FinTech encompasses a broad range of technologies aimed at enhancing financial services, RegTech is dedicated to addressing compliance challenges.

Is RegTech an AI?

RegTech often leverages AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies to enhance compliance processes. While RegTech itself is not AI, it utilizes AI for tasks such as data analysis, pattern detection, and risk assessment.

Is RegTech a blockchain?

RegTech is not exclusively blockchain, but it does incorporate blockchain technology for specific compliance functions, such as secure record-keeping and transparent data sharing.

What is the difference between Suptech and RegTech?

SupTech (Supervisory Technology) focuses on enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of regulatory supervision, while RegTech (Regulatory Technology) aims to help financial institutions comply with regulations. SupTech is used by regulators, whereas RegTech is used by financial institutions.

How does RegTech support blockchain compliance?

RegTech plays a critical role in blockchain compliance by providing advanced tools and technologies that ensure blockchain-based systems adhere to regulatory standards. The RegTech solutions can monitor blockchain transactions in real-time, automatically enforce compliance rules through smart contracts, and generate transparent audit trails that are immutable and easily verifiable. 

This integration helps financial institutions and other organizations using blockchain to meet regulatory requirements more efficiently and effectively, reducing the risk of non-compliance and enhancing overall security and transparency.

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